At LM Equestrian, our approach to horse training is focused towards the horse’s well-being. The horse’s health and wellness are our top priority and we are committed to develop a training program that will best suit your horse’s needs. Each training program is customized to the specific needs of the horse, with the emphasis on developing a comfortable, supple, and relaxed horse.

“The quickest way with the horse is to take your time.”
– Monty Roberts
connect with your horse
At L.M. Equestrian our main priority is allowing horse and rider to exist in harmony.
We understand that training can take a toll on the horse’s body, resulting in acute, and sometimes, chronic injuries. Therefore, our goal at LM Equestrian is to promote longevity through a systematic training program designed to build and maintain the horse’s strength while maintaining the body supple. Suppleness is a key element in any horse’s training as it allows the horse to perform to its full potential, and is also part of the foundation for obedience and “throughness”. Above all, our training program places full emphasis on the horse’s well-being. Your horse is evaluated on its physical condition, mental disposition, strengths, and weaknesses. At the same time, the rider’s aptitude and level of training is considered towards developing a systematic program to create a healthy horse. Each horse comes into our program with different needs. Having said that, the foundation of our program is consistent throughout all horses. We use The Classical Training Scale as our guideline.

Please reach out with any inquiries about training. We are here to help you achieve your goals.